What we offer
Encore Tennis are pleased to offer a tennis racket re-stringing service, rackets can be dropped off at one of our Sussex venues or in Hassocks by appointment. Collection and drop off can also be arranged for an additional fee. Replacement over and under grips available, racket stencilling and expert advice.
How often should I re-string my racket?
We advise that your should re-string your racket at least every 6 months as strings will become frayed and tension will be lost. As a guide we recommend 1-2 times a week re-string every 6 months. 3 times a week re-string every 4 months. 4 times a week re-string every 3 months. 5 or more times a week re-string every 2 months
How do I know if my racket needs a re-string?
Check if there are any visible signs of fraying on the strings. If this is the case then you should have the racket re-strung immediately. Another sign to re-string is a loss of tension which will happen naturally over time. Look out for a dead sound with the strings on contact, using more effort with your racket than is normal and strings moving a great deal within the string bed.
What types of string are there?
Natural Gut, Synthetic Gut, Multifilmanets & Polyesters.
What string tension should I have?
The key with string tension is experimenting with different tensions depending on your game style. Lower tensions will give you less control, more power, feel and longevity. Higher tensions will give you more control but less power
What gauge of string should I try?
Thick strings will be more durable but offer less spin, elasticity, feel and comfort. Thin strings will be less durable but offer more spin, elasticity, feel and comfort.
Prices & Strings
Prices start from £10 (string supplied). Strings currently available are 1. Pro's Pro Blackout co-polyester string with pentagonal cross-section. 2. MSV Focus Hex a co-polyester string which has been constructed in a hexagonal shape to offer excellent levels of control, ball bite and spin potential. 3. Pro Kennex Performer string a superb value budget nylon string with excellent durability. 4. Babolat Ballistic Polymono is one of Babolat's most popular polyester strings. Perfect string for string breakers looking for a good mix of durability and playability. Used by several ATP professionals.
Jimmy on 07966 210 692 or via email to book.